Terry the concert pianist

Created by Steveplumridge 9 years ago
A few of the lads went on a trip to Weymouth for the Weekend to visit our Mate Charlie who had invited us down to an open day on 1 of her majesty's warships. After a fun day we all ended up in this nice little pub, with a Grand piano sitting in the corner, Now, we had been on the sauce all day, so after a few more pints. Terry suddenly got up and quietly asked the landlord if he could play a tune on the piano.The landlord looking pleased that there would be some free entertainment in his bar said, OK. Terry went over to the piano, sat on the stool and opened the lid, he sat there stretching his neck and cracking every joint in his hands just like Eric Morecombe with Andre Previn! He then began banging on the piano playing this crescendo of noise for about. 10 seconds then stopped, closed the lid stood up and took a bow and returned to all of us who were all crying with laughter.